Session ten: Archival reference and research
Thursday, April 24
- Required reading – annotation and discussion:
- Caryn Radick’s “Romance Writers’ Use of Archives“
- Laura Treat’s and Julie Judkins’ “‘First there is the creative decision, then there is the dollar decision’: Information-Seeking Behaviors of Filmmakers Using Moving Image Archives“
- Required reading – no annotation required
- Alice Dreger’s “The Delicate Art of Dealing With Your Archivist“
- Michael Brenes’ “Historians Just Don’t Get Archivists. Here’s Why.“
- Optional – foundational reading:
- Wendy Duff’s, Elizabeth Yakel’s, and Helen Tibbo’s “Archival Reference Knowledge“
- Laura Millar’s “Archives: Principles and Practices; Chapter 12: Making Archives Available“
- Linda J. Long’s “Question Negotiation in the Archival Setting: The Use of Interpersonal Communication Techniques in the Reference Interview“
- Optional – further reading:
- Ian G. Anderson’s “Are You Being Served? Historians and the Search for Primary Resources“
Assignments due
Session eleven: Copyright, licensing, and intellectual property
Thursday, May 1
- Required reading – annotation and discussion:
- Judy Tsou’s and John Vallier’s “Ether today, gone tomorrow: 21st Century sound recording collection in crisis“
- Jean Dryden’s “Just Let It Go? Controlling Reuse of Online Holdings“
- Optional – foundational reading:
- Copyright & Cultural Institutions: Guidelines for US Libraries, Archives, & Museums; Chapters 5, 6, and 7
- Cornell University Copyright 101 LibGuide
- Optional – further reading:
Assignments due
- Assignment #6 (we will be having 5 minute conferences in class about your topic, you don’t need to submit via email/dropbox)
- Assignment #7
Session twelve: Archival literacy and teaching with primary sources
Thursday, May 8
- Required reading – annotation and discussion:
- Jessica Quagliaroli’s and Pamela Casey’s “Teaching with Drawings: Primary Source Instruction with Architecture Archives“
- Danielle Emerling’s “Civics in the Archives: Engaging Undergraduate and Graduate Students with Congressional Papers“
- Optional – foundational reading:
- SAA-ACRL/RBMS Joint Task Force’s Guidelines for Primary Source Literacy
- James Roussain’s “Pedadgogue in the Archive: Reorienting the Archivist as Educator“
- Optional – further reading:
Assignments due
- none
Session thirteen: Advocacy and outreach
Thursday, May 15
Please consider completing the Course Evaluation for this semester’s class!
- Required reading – annotation and discussion:
- Sarah Buchanan’s, Jane Gruning’s, Ayse Gursoy’s, and Lecia Barker’s “Surveying Archivists and Their Work toward Advocacy and Management, or ‘Enterprise Archiving’“
- Optional – foundational reading:
- A*CENSUS II: All Archivists Survey Report
- Ben Primer’s “Resources for Archives: Developing Collections, Constituents, Colleagues, and Capital“
- John Grabowski’s “Keepers, Users, and Funders: Building an Awareness of Archival Value“
- SAA Advocacy Section Resources and Toolkits
- Optional – further reading:
- Jennifer Meehan’s “‘Taking Our Own Measure’: Archival Engagement and Storytelling“
Assignments due
Session fourteen: Conclusions
Thursday, May 22
Please consider completing the Course Evaluation for this semester’s class!
- Required reading – annotation and discussion:
Assignments due
- Assignments due before class:
- Assignments due after class:
- Assignment #9, 5/23 at midnight
- Assignment #10, 5/23 at midnight