Course resources
- start guide
- Current LBSCI 730 spring 2025 class group (please only join if you are in this class–this is for annotation assignments)
- Are you someone who’s taken my class previously or would like to be in (or stay in!) written community with curious archives folk? Join our “archives alumni” group!
- Assignment submission dropbox
- CUNY Academic Commons guide
- Instructor’s personal zoom link (for office hours)
- ReMarkable tablet (this is the device I use for notes and prep! YOU DO NOT NEED TO BUY THIS. enough people ask about it that I figured I would link it here.)
About Queens College Special Collections and Archives
- Queens College Special Collections and Archives website
- QC SCA finding aids database
- QC SCA digital collections
- QC SCA LibGuide
- QC SCA Instagram
- QC SCA Facebook
- Queens Memory Project
QC and GSLIS resources
- Graduate School of Library and Information Studies website
- Advanced Certificate in Archives homepage
- Queens College Student Chapter of the Society of American Archivists
- QC GSLIS Alumni website
- Queens College website
- QC Events Calendar
- Benjamin Rosenthal Library website
- InterLibrary loan (ILL)
- Student Success Hub: Writing Center, CUNY Policies, Funding & Scholarships
- Queens College Counseling Services
- Queens College Office of Special Services: accessibility and disability services
- QC Neurodiversity Hub
- QC Hub: Offices of Financial Aid and the Registrar
- Queens College Office of Public Safety
CUNY resources
- City University of New York website
- CUNY Digital History Archive: A participatory project to collect and preserve the histories of the City University of New York
- CUNY History LibGuide
- CUNY Archives: All CUNY archives and special collections on one page
- University Resources