Total points: 10
Participation will be evaluated on the following elements throughout the semester; performance in each category will be rated on a scale of 0-2, defined below.
Engagement and active participation:
Inadequate (0 points): Student never participates in class discussion; fails to respond to direct questions. |
Developing (1 point): Few contributions to class discussions; seldom volunteers but responds to direct questions. |
Accomplished (2 points): Proactively contributes to class discussion; asks questions and responds to direct questions. |
Listening skills:
Inadequate (0 point): Does not listen when others talk; interrupts or makes inappropriate comments; does not listen carefully. |
Developing (1 point): Mostly attentive when others present materials, perspectives, as indicated by comments that build on others’ remarks. Occasionally needs encouragement from instructor to refocus comment or comments are often nonresponsive to discussion. |
Accomplished (2 points): Listens attentively when others present materials, perspectives, as indicated by comments that build on others’ remarks (i.e., the student hears what others say and contributes to the dialogue). |
Quality and relevance of contributions to class:
Inadequate (0 points): Contributions are off-‐topic or distract from discussion. |
Developing (1 point): Comments are mostly insightful and constructive; mostly uses appropriate terminology. Occasionally comments are too general or irrelevant to the discussion. |
Accomplished (2 points): Comments are always insightful and constructive; uses appropriate terminology. Comments balanced between general impressions, opinions, and specific, thoughtful criticisms or contributions. |
Inadequate (0 points): Does not complete multiple reading assignments; many assignments missing, completed late, or containing significant errors. |
Developing (1 point): Student has read and thought about the material before class; very few missing or late assignments. |
Accomplished (2 points): Student is consistently well prepared having read and synthesized readings and completed/submitted all work on time; sometimes adds relevant information beyond the assigned reading. |
Classroom conduct and respect for others:
Inadequate (0 points): Is often distracted and inattentive during discussions; may dominate conversation or lack courtesy when addressing others; interrupts others often; uses cell phone while others are speaking in discussion. |
Developing (1 point): Demonstrates respect by avoiding cell phone and laptop use while others are speaking; makes eye contact; avoids personal attacks when disagreements arise. |
Accomplished (2 points): Avoids cell phone/laptop use during discussion; makes eye contact; encourages others to share conflicting viewpoints; looks to learn from others’ experiences and backgrounds. |
Verbiage for participation rubrics adapted from Columbia University and Southern Methodist University resources.